Welcome to HR Club Philippines' Online Newsletter

This Online Newsletter is a by-product of Businessmaker Academy's Educational Program on Human Resource Management. Aside from our regular forum, we've decided to digitally deliver helpful news, insights and project ideas to help you make positive improvements in your workplace. Basically, we're here to help you help others at work.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Businessmaker Academy Corporate Training

Allow me to deviate from my normal blog posts to share with you this exciting promotion on corporate training. If you have training needs for your company, I urge you to take this opportunity to avail of this FREE 1-hour training consultation with Businessmaker Academy's chief training consultant. Call (632) 6874445, 6874645, 6873416 to schedule an appointment.


  1. Thanks so much for this post. There is very good and helpful information in this post. Keep up the good work.
    corporate training

  2. Hey hi..I just pass the MBA and had attend seminar on corporate training . it's really help me a lot. Thanks. i also like your post.

    Soft Skills Trainer India
